
Saturday 25 July 2015

The Love/Hate Tag

I was recently tagged by the oh so amazing Emma  of Peace Love Vintage to complete the Love/ Hate Tag. After reading her post I knew I had to do this for you guys. Oh and if you haven't seen her blog then you really need to check that out. It is amazing and you won't regret checking it out!

The Rules

Simply list 10 things which you love and 10 things which you hate- Nominate 10 blogger friends to complete the tag next!

Ten Things I Love ( In no Particular Order)

1. My Amazing Friends. The people who keep me sane and don't mind when I act a little bit crazy!
2. Audrey Hepburn. An amazing actress and a beautiful person inside and out. She was an actress, worked for UNICEF and did all this with a child hood that was very much different to what I knew.
3. Christmas. The Season of giving. A season about being with loved ones with awesome movies and food. Need I say more.
4. Reading. I love getting lost in a book and escaping my own world for a little bit. I love the way an Author can make you feel what the character is feeling.
5.Travelling. I have been to a few places in Europe but I would love the explore the rest of the world and see the different cultures.
6. Nail Polish. I love all the different colours, effects and obviously all that nail art! Nails can change a look.
7.Baking. I love to bake sweet treats for my family and friends. I love trying new recipes.  I love turning flour, sugar, butter and eggs into a cake, that is so much more yummy!
8. Vintage. I love the vintage styled hair, makeup, clothes and the way things were. A time when everyone was looking for love.
9. Baths. What other way is there to spend a relaxing evening in a Bath. Especially with candles, music and a few bath bombs.
10. My Movie Collection. I love all the movies I own. From Disney to Superhero. Harry Potter to Twilight. Cartoon to Musical. Its a world where anything is possible. Where Magic is around the Corner and Superhero's save the day.

Ten Things I Hate (In no particular order)

1.Bullies. It is simple in my mind. If you don't like someone, then don't go near them. There is no excuse for tearing someone down. At the end of the day it doesn't solve anything.
2. Animal Cruelty. I see absolutely no purpose in harming poor defenceless creatures. All pets and animals want to do is live their lives. When it comes to pets, they want to be loved and taken care of just like everyone else.
3. Cruelty to Children. It turns my stomach that someone could hurt an innocent child.
4. Saying Goodbye. Whether its at the end of life or someone is going away. Goodbye is always hard because no one wants to let someone go.
5.Football. I Just don't like it.]
6. Feeling invisible. It's not a great feeling, especially if you put effort in with people.
7. Fruit. I only eat raisins because they are the only thing that doesn't make me feel ill.
8. Vegetables. Potatoes is it for me. The rest even the smell makes me feel sick.
9. Societies view on Beauty. Magazines full of size 8 and under. Making everyone above a size 16 feel like they need to lose weight to be accepted or loved. Or to feel beautiful.
10. Negativity. Ironic I know. But there is no need for it.

So the bloggers I nominate are:

3. Tegan
7. Lisa

Oh and I nominate all you my lovely readers. Let me know what things you love and hate in the comments. Don't forget to let me know if you do this tag so I can read what you wrote.

Until Next Time



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