
Tuesday 23 July 2019

Why I Shaved My Head

As you can already probably tell, this post is a little different from what I usually post but I thought something different would be nice. So as you can tell from the title I shaved my head. I'm writing this in two parts the first was written before I shaved my head and the second part post shave. One reason I decided to write this is because I knew I would get questions and this way I didn't have to explain my reasoning. 

Part One

So let's start with Why? Why did I shave my head? The simple answer because I could, I have wanted to do this for a while now. I don't know what was different that this time I actually did it but I did. The first time I was going to shave my head was for charity, but for some reason it didn't happen. The next time was in support of a friend, but they changed their mind and my head remained un-shaved.This time though it happened quite quickly, I shared a video on Facebook of someone shaving their head and stated how much I wanted to do it as well. Then within days I have a plan for my Little Brother to shave my head. 

Another reason I wanted to shave my head is Psoriasis. I have it on my scalp, face, ears and small patches on my body. I cut my hair short in the past to try and help, this time I just happen to be going one step further. I hope that this will help in the sense that the shampoo and greasy creams can be applied, but even if it doesn't I don't mind. This is a bucket list thing that I can't wait to do. 

As I write this part it is 5 days before D day. I am feeling both nervous and excited. Excited because part of me still can't believe that this is actually going to be happening. i mean every other time there was a reason not to do it. I'm nervous because it's a scary step, I mean I know people will judge me and disagree with my decision but I just need to remember that the key word was it's MY decision, MY hair. This is Me. 

Part Two

So as usual with all my planning, this part is actually being written 2 months after the first shave. I say the first shave as I have since had it done again, which in itself tells you how much I love it!

I can recall the day I got my head shaved with perfect clarity, I can tell you I was nervous and that I was shaking, whether that was the diabetes or nerves we will never know. I had my friend with me and she cut off the first chunk with a pair of scissors before she videoed the rest. My Brother then continued with the scissors before the clippers came out. In my opinion my 'little' brother had far too much fun playing hair stylist for me but hey he enjoyed cutting my hair off. 

I sat there watching chunks of my hair (and psoriasis) land on me, and for some reason kept thinking "It's too late to go back now". I don't know why that was going through my mind, probably some very last minute nerves. I mean we have all had those nerves when we decide to get a new style that is completely different.  I remember not seeing myself in a mirror until  it was completely done, which I am thankful for. I also remember my brother and friend deciding that a Grade 3 was too long so I was getting a Grade 2. 

I fell in love with my hair as soon as I looked into a mirror and it was surprisingly easy to get use to. I loved the ease of it and loved it even more when I found out that I could wash my hair in the sink. Hair puns became my new favorite thing. Getting out of bed and saying 'Excuse the bed head' or getting into the car and saying 'wow this wind is messing up my hair!' They didn't get old for a few weeks either. Also my new favorite hobby was running my fingers through my new short, incredibly soft hair.

The Shaving of my head was done on a Saturday of a bank holiday weekend at the end of May. I planned it this way so I could get use to my hair, or lack there of before I went back to work. I don't know what I expected when it came to reactions, but what I got wasn't it. There was a lot of shock, which is to be expected as I didn't tell any of my work colleagues. I believe a dozen people knew before it was done. What I didn't expect was people assuming that I did it for charity. I know that was a plan in the past, but that had nothing to do with this time. It was like people thought you only shaved your head for charity or because you were ill. It boosted my spirits at work when the head of the department complimented me as well as two patients and a porter. I went home grinning, because three people I didn't see on the daily noticed my hair cut and loved it!

Now surprisingly Social Media had a great reaction. My photo got loads of positive comments and likes. If I am being honest I thought that social media would be the place where I would get negative comments, but I guess it really does show that you can't judge it. 

The main comment I was getting was that it really suited me, so I have kept my hair short and just 3 weeks ago it went back down to a Grade 2. So far I haven't seen an improvement in my psoriasis but I don't regret my hair cut. In the entire time it has been done not once have I looked in the mirror and thought "What did I do?" 

So as of now the hair is staying short. I am going to start growing it out over Winter and who knows maybe next Summer I will shave it again. But for now I am so happy that I did this.  If you are reading this and you want to shave your head. My advice is do it. Hair will grow back. The biggest thing I have gained from this experience, is I stopped caring what people thought. You want to stop talking to me because I shaved my head, go ahead. Whether this attitude stays when my hairs grows remains to be seen, but I for one hope it does. 

Until Next Time



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